Thursday, June 2, 2022

Here I Am


Hello darling, and who do I owe the pleasure? 

I haven't really had the chance to formally introduce myself, and give you peak into my life. Take a seat, have a cup of coffee with me and let's get to know each other shall we! 

1. I've lived in 3 states - Arizona, Missouri, and New Mexico (currently reside). While I am thankful to have gotten to see and experience different environments and people. I am happy to say New Mexico is the first place that's felt and been a home to me in a long time. I absolutely adore it here. 

2. I'm recently engaged to my wonderful fiancé, Jeremy! We've been together a total of 6 years. We met at a Halloween party (same as my parents!). I've always said we've been a married couple just without the paperwork LOL 

3. I was in a sorority in college, Alpha Chi Omega at the University of New Mexico. I have an Associates in Business!

4. I am the oldest sister of 3 (big sis!). I have a younger sister (4ish years apart) and a younger brother (14 years apart). I also just recently became an Aunty to the most perfect niece in the entire world! 

5. If I had to live off 1 type of food the rest of my life it would be Mexican food no questions asked. 

6. I'm a Capricorn.

7. I have 3 fur babies - Jack (Tabby Cat, 6 years old), Daisy (German Shepherd, 5 years old), & Dozer (German Shepherd, 4 years old). Yes they ARE my children! I love them with my whole heart!! 

8. Summer and Fall are my favorite seasons 

9. I'm a HUGE foodie! I developed a gluten allergy in my 20's and it forced me to relearn my body and how I eat but it grew into a passion and a love language of creating, trying, and sharing foods! I truly believe food brings people together!! 

10. I can't be cooped up inside I go stir crazy! I love getting outside and going for walks with my pups, hikes, camping, park dates, watching the fiancé fish, etc. I need my fresh air! It's the earth sign in me!! 

11. Music & dancing bring me life!

12. Crazy plant lady!

13. Fitness / working out is therapy to me!

14. I love fashion, and getting dressed up! I think how you present yourself makes a statement of who you are, and can make you feel undeniable! 

15. I currently work as an office manager for a family owned medical supply company. I LOVE my job! When you find your work family keep them and love them hard y'all. It's hard to come by! 

16. I am a very sentimental person. I'll take spending time and adventures with you over any materialistic thing any day! But if you happen to get me a gift I love things made by you, or something that represents us or a keepsake type thing! 

17. I have 4 tattoos (and counting, I want more), & I have 8 piercings give or take the ones that I've taken out 

18. I have an eye for detail and design - a bit of a perfectionist 

19. I have a weird love for bumper stickers. If you have a solid one on your car, makes my day! 

20. I love supporting local, checking out all the farmers markets, art walks, and being active in my community as much as possible!

I hope this gives you a little more insight into who I am as a person! I love getting to meet and make new friends whenever I get the chance, so introduce yourself in the comments below, message me, or find me on Instagram! @rian_or_shine

Hope to talk to y'all soon!! 


1 comment

  1. Love this! So proud of you girlie!💕
